About a month ago I found this really cool clothing line called
Made Me. I found out about the line when I read about
the designer on the
NYLON website. I love to wear mens clothing (jeans, vests, jackets, even mens shoes) but, of course, add my own feminine flirty flare to it, so when I read the line “I have always found power and attractiveness in women that dress with a masculine style.”, I knew I had to check it out.
When I cruised over to the site, most of the pieces were sold out, but I did manage to snag the
First To Fall T-Shirt
They came in the mail on Saturday and I was seriously so impressed that I emailed Erin, the designer just to say thank you! (I know, I'm such a dork!)... And she emailed me back! So cool!
I wore my
Virgin T yesterday and when I was at Perez Hilton's office (aka The Coffee Bean on Sunset and Fairfax) waiting for my second Americano of the day, this very stylish older woman that looked like Debbie Harry flashed a huge smile at me and said "I love your shirt". I grinned from ear to ear and said "thank you" and my heart danced around in my chest a little.
And so here's a gift to my loyal and stylish readers in case you want to snap up the last few MadeMe shirts (jeans, jackets, hoodies, leggings) available:
Erin also sent me a sneak peek at her Spring line and I'm totally dying over it! Here's a little peek for you!
P.S. Could that model look any more like Sade? LOVE!