
Custom Concern

Ohmigoshyouguys! I made my first ever video blog.

Suuuuuuch a dork.



Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I hope you make more videos!

aMy oF gRaFFiTi sTudiO.cO.uK said...
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aMy oF gRaFFiTi sTudiO.cO.uK said...

You're so cutely American!

Amy x

Kellie said...

Thanks for sharing. Hope to see more videos from you in the future. I might have to try to mix my own colors now. :)

Charlene said...

thats so sweet! i'm so glad i follow Lorraine on youtube so I could've found you.

Unknown said...

umm just wanted to say I think you are an Ah-mazing makeup artist
please check out my Bloghttp://takeonemorelook.blogspot.com/

a. readings said...

Adorable and informative. If i had a gold star, it would go to you.

Amy V said...

you're so cute!

a girl in the life said...

since you are totally the expert on where to find great, maybe rare, colors ... where could one find a shiny chrome kind of color? maybe like lady gaga's in the love game vid... i'm sure i've seen it other places too, but there most recently.


Amy Chance said...

Lady Gaga is probably wearing minx, but MAC makes a great metallic chrome-like colour. I think it's called $$$$$YES from the Heatherette collection.

disturbedgwen said...

i would really love the video where you show us how to mix polishes i want to start but have no idea how to go about it!