If you've been reading my blog lately, you know how much I am loving
mark. cosmetics. Last night I was surfing around the net and I came upon a site for mark. reps called

I was pleased to find some really great instructional videos on the site! They demonstrate some simple, easy to follow techniques for creating flawless skin, smokey eyes, a liquid eyeliner look, and a red lip.
Usually when I see a make up demonstration I get kind of bored, and my mind wanders. I was so interested in these videos that I literally spent half an hour watching them.
Click here to do a little Holiday shopping, and get free shipping on mark. products.

What liquid eyeliner do you use on yourself/clients?
I've used a few different types in my history of wearing liquid eyeliner but this one:
Is pretty much great, and cheap..It's about a fiver in the shops and has a great brush. I've always stuck to this and would recommend it!
I mainly use Chanel's automatic liquid liner.
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