First of all, if you've never seen a movie at The Arclight, I strongly suggest it. It costs a bit more, but it will change your whole movie-going experience. It is so comfortable, you get to pick pre reserved seats (I prefer the back middle section), nobody talks, cell phones don't ring, the screen is huge, the sound is amazing... You will never want to see a movie anywhere else.

They even have art exhibits. Tonight there was an exhibit of Jill Greenberg's work. She's a very talented photographer that I have had the EXTREME honor of working with on this shoot...

(I only did the beauty make up, the moustache and side burns were left to someone else... haha)
Back to the movie...
The hair, make up (Ve Neill and the rest of the hair and make up team are amazing), and costume design (Colleen Atwood) were OUT OF THIS WORLD. Totally freaking mind blowing.
The movie was visually stunning. The acting was amazing as well. Unfortunately I am getting over a pretty bad cold, so some of the singing hurt my ears, but overall, it was money (and two hours) well spent!
Great! my sis saw it and didn't like. I was stunned to hear that, and will see it anyway. I know I will love. How can it be bad? the look, the cast, the director....
my kinda flick! It was so nice to see you over Christmas and have a great NYE! I need more Tiffany Blue! I've had lots of reactions, most good! time to change it though...chipping..
The look of the movie was so amazing that I could have literally watched it with the sound off and loved it!
I loved it so much! And Helena Bonham Carter looked (and was) amaaazing.
It's so great to hear you liked it! So many people I have talked to really didn't like it at all!
This was a facinating movie and probably the best movie of the year. I watched it several times. cosmetic surgery prices
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